Coastal Pet Sitters provides Cat Sitting services in North San Diego County, ensuring your cats are healthy and happy while you’re away! As each pet is different, we offer several options for daily visits to your pet. Call today for reservations or questions.
Your loveable felines will enjoy one-on-one attention in their home environment – reducing any anxiety your pet may have from being alone, or by being separated from their owner. With Coastal Pet Sitters cat sitting services you will never have to worry about the individual needs of your cat. Our cat visitation hours vary depending on your cat’s needs and your pet sitter’s schedule, & days per week – we offer cat sitting for individual days, or a normal reserved schedule. Our services include multiple daily visits as well, where a Coastal Pet Sitter can visit your pets up to 3 times per day! Daily visits include one-on-one attention for each pet, playtime, litter box cleanup, administering medications and any household security tasks. Our home security tasks include mail and newspaper cleanup, flyer removal, light and blind alternating, watering of house & outdoor potter plants. We offer discounts for multiple visits in the same day!
Coastal Pet Sitters are experienced pet sitters and pet lovers! For your next family vacation, or time away from home, make sure that your furry friend is taken care of. We offer cat sitting services and we are conveniently located in Encinitas. Our cat sitting service ensure that your pet is cared for, while also allowing your pet to stay in their home environment! We can customize each day based on any individual cat sitting needs. Call to schedule your pet sitting.
We invite you & your furry pets to experience Coastal Pet Sitters today!
Daily Visits
(Approx 30 minutes per visit)
Pet | Number | 1x/Day | 2x/Day | 3x/Day |
Cats | 1 to 3 | $30-35 | $60-70 | $90 |
Each Add’l Over Limit – $4 each add’l pet per visit | ||||
Quick Stop | 10-15 min. | $25 | $50 | $75 |
We suggest 1-2 visits per day for cats.
Extended Visits
Service | Pet # | Hours | Rate |
Overnights | 1 to 3 | 7:30pm-7:30am | $95 |
Add-On Time 15 minutes Per Visit – $5 |